Our garden at Cramlington House has been our absolute saviour, our sanctuary, over the last year of lockdown.
No matter what the weather is like or how residents are feeling, they’re always in a brighter, better mood after spending some time in the garden. Come rain or shine, our garden is always full of a wide range of birds making different sounds and residents have really engaged with nature more so than ever over the last 12 months.
They’ve taken an active interest in the lives of the birds that frequent our garden and are keen to create an environment for them which enables them to thrive and feel happy and settled. This is why we’ve spent time creating bird feeders recently because residents want to ensure the birds are well nourished and looked after. By creating bird feeders, residents are showing how much they love and care for the birds, who always cheer everyone up and have become one of the highlights of the day.
Kim Stubbs, our activities manager, said: “It’s great to see so many of our residents involved with our garden, noticing the birds and taking an interest in their lives.
“They really enjoyed making these bird feeders which required concentration and attention to detail. The birds help promote feelings of calm, eases anxiety and helps to create a peaceful, content atmosphere within the home.
“Activities like this takes their mind off the fact that their loved ones can’t visit them in person right now. It helps to focus their energy into something else, something that’s creative and positive.”