Autumn has well and truly arrived at Holywell House! Residents have carefully crafted Autumn-themed centre pieces to decorate the home’s communal dining spaces. With each piece, there’s a touch of individual personality and a collective celebration of the season, making every mealtime at Holywell House a special Autumnal experience.
Engaging in arts and crafts activities like this provides a wide range of benefits to the health and wellbeing of our residents and is particularly beneficial for stimulating cognitive function. It keeps the mind active, sparks creativity, and can slow the progression of cognitive disorders.
The social aspect of an activity like this also helps to fosters social connections, reduces feelings of isolation, and boosts overall mood and self-esteem.
The manager at Holywell House, Julie McMurrough said: “What a wonderful time we’ve had creating some excellent autumnal art. Residents really engaged with this activity and thoroughly enjoyed themselves. Activities like these not only bring out their creative sides but also offer therapeutic benefits that lift their spirits and enhance their overall wellbeing. It’s moments like these that highlight what care is truly about, it was a great afternoon.”